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by Push Poppers

Item number: 48906

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Product description

Inhalt: 480 ml (20 x 24 ml)
Isopropyl nitrite - CAS 541-42-4
Isopropanol - CAS 67-63-0

Due to overwhelming popular demand, our exclusive Amsterdam Revolution is now available to the poppers resellers in the original brown glass vials with added security cap for an easier use and more practical size.

The incredible aluminium aroma is one of our most-liked and popular creation, so other formats had to be added to our fantastic poppers collection - one of the biggest in Europe.

As well as your bottles with security cap, you will receive Mega Pellets that customers need to put in the bottle after they open it for better conservation and to stay fresh longer: the Mega Pellets are ceramic sieves that absorb water molecules and humidity which would normally make the poppers weaker over time. With the added pellet and keeping them in cold storage, the poppers nitrites don't deteriorate as fast.

Amsterdam Revolution is made with a brand-new distilled isopropyl nitrite - the strongest nitrite on the market! Especially great for your erotic shops and customers, the poppers make sex great again by giving you a deep sense of relaxation and lust for sex at the same time.

Get the exclusive poppers Amsterdam Revolution only in our Reseller Shop at incredible Wholesale Price!

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